About GIUC

Why GIUC is Important?

Since the dawn of civilization, human beings have been divided due to their 14 divides. That culminated into making human being the most intelligent and most unhappy species on the planet. Billions of people were killed and suffered due to these misconceptions about self and others.

The time has come that we decide not to hand over the same kind of divided disintegrated and dysfunctional world to our children. For that United consciousness propose to launch Global Institute of United Consciousness. GIUC will work for Universal Peace, Happiness and Learning across the planet

Our Vision Draft

Faculty of Integrated Studies

The ultimate goal of the Faculty of Integrated Studies is to promote a more harmonious and integrated world, where individuals are empowered to live in alignment with their true nature and contribute to the greater good of humanity and the planet.

  1. Seeks to integrate all beings on the planet with the consciousness that flows across all beings, promoting unity and interconnectedness.
  2. Through the integration of various disciplines and approaches, the faculty seeks to promote a holistic and multidimensional understanding of reality.
  3. Combine traditional wisdom with modern knowledge and techniques to help individuals achieve a deeper level of personal and spiritual growth.

Faculty of Happiness Studies

By exploring the concepts of mindfulness, positive psychology, and holistic well-being, the Faculty of Happiness Studies aims to equip individuals with the tools they need to live a fulfilling life.

  1. We have become the most intelligent but unhappy species on the planet.
  2. It’s clear that we have lost our way in terms of finding happiness and joy in our lives.
  3. Reorient our civilization back to the basics and promote happy, healthy, and joyful lives for our children.

Faculty of Learning Life

The scarcity of “teachers of life” led to our unhappy generation – Faculty of Learning Life will change this The ultimate goal of the Faculty of Learning Life is to empower individuals to live in alignment with their true nature and contribute to the greater good of humanity and the planet, creating a brighter future for all.

  1. The future of a civilization can be understood by visiting their teachers.
  2. Over the last millennium, there has been an emphasis on teaching ‘livelihood’ studies instead of ‘life’ studies.
  3. The Faculty of Learning Life seeks to promote experts in teaching life rather than livelihood.
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United Consciousness Conclave - 2025

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